进入~/.spacemacs文件中(SPC fee),找到 dotspacemacs-configuration-layers 这个代码块,uncomment可以加载的layer, 重启配置(SPC feR)会自动下载相应的layer.
Shortcuts learned today
- 查找文件: spc + f f (find > files)
- 重新加载配置: spc + feR (file > env > reload)
- 打开.spacemacs配置文件: spc + fee (file > env > .env)
- 打开project的neotree: spc + pt (project > tree)
- 进入已经打开的某个window: spc + 0-9 (0: focus on neotree if exists, 1: go to window 1)
- 对window进行缩放: spc + z f (zoom > frame)
- 搜索当前project下当前cursor下的单词: spc + * (search all)
- 在不同的buffer之间切换: spc + tab
- 进入右边的window: spc + wl (window > lower level(go to right), +wh(go to left))
- uncomment或者comment特定语句: spc + cl (comment > line)
- 退出emacs: spc + qq (quit > quit)
- 搜索当前project下面的文件: spc +pf (project > file)
- 列出当前buffer列表: spc + bb (buffer > buffers)
- next buffer: spc + bn (buffer > next)